姓名: |
陈亚州 |
出生年月: |
1982.2 |
性别: |
男 |
硕/博导: |
博导 |
民族: |
汉 |
开设课程: |
职称: |
教授 |
研究方向: |
植物昆虫相互作用 |
学位: |
博士 |
2014年5月-2020年10月,英国John Innes Centre,博士后
主要研究方向是植物与昆虫的相互作用。单食性或寡食性昆虫对寄主的适应主要是通过遗传适应性(genetic adaptation)来实现的;但广食性昆虫(可取食多类不同植物)为何能寄生种类繁多的植物,目前还知之甚少。我们的研究以广食性蚜虫绿桃蚜作为研究对象,发现了一种叫做转录可塑性(transcriptional plasticity)的机制。这种机制可以快速地调节蚜虫基因的表达量,使广食性蚜虫绿桃蚜迅速地适应不同的寄主植物。另外,绿桃蚜在取食时会通过口器将一些效应因子(effector,包括蛋白和RNAs)分泌到植物中以克服植物防御反应。蚜虫的分泌物中包含蚜虫特有的长链非编码RNA(lncRNA)基因家族(取名为Ya,取自蚜的拼音)。这些Ya RNA可从蚜虫跨界转运到寄主植物,并在植物中长距离运输。进入植物中的蚜虫RNA对蚜虫在植物上生存和繁衍至关重要。相应研究成果分别发表于Genome Biology(Mathers and Chen et al 2017)和PNAS(Chen and Singh et al 2020)。
课题组将继续深度解析蚜虫对植物的适应机制。一方面探讨蚜虫转录可塑性机制,如表观遗传;另一方面系统地研究跨界RNA(cross-kingdom RNA)介导的植物和昆虫相互作用。
1. Yazhou Chen*, Archana Singh*, Gemy G. Kaithakottill, Thomas C. Mathers, Matteo Gravino, Sam T. Mugford, Cock van Oosterhout, David Swarbreck and Saskia A. Hogenhout. 2020. An aphid RNA transcript migrates systemically within plants and is a virulence factor Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 117 (23) 12763-12771. (IF = 9.580) (*Co-first author)
2.Thomas C. Mathers, Yazhou Chen, Gemy Kaithakottil, Fabrice Legeai, Sam T. Mugford, Patrice Baa-Puyoulet, Anthony Bretaudeau, Bernardo Clavijo, Stefano Colella, Olivier Collin, Tamas Dalmay, Thomas Derrien, Honglin Feng, Toni Gabaldón, Anna Jordan, Irene Julca, Graeme J. Kettles, Krissana Kowitwanich, Dominique Lavenier, Paolo Lenzi, Sara Lopez-Gomollon, Damian Loska, Daniel Mapleson, Florian Maumus, Simon Moxon, Daniel R. G. Price, Akiko Sugio, Manuella van Munster, Marilyne Uzest, Darren Waite, Georg Jander, Denis Tagu, Alex C. C. Wilson, Cock van Oosterhout, David Swarbreck and Saskia A. Hogenhout 2017. Rapid transcriptional plasticity of duplicated gene clusters enables a clonally reproducing aphid to colonise diverse plant species. Genome Biology 18: 27. (IF = 11.908) (*Co-first author)
3. Yazhou Chen, Muwang Li, Iftakher Islam, Lang You, Yueqiang Wang, Zhiqian Li, Lin Ling, Baosheng Zeng, Jun Xu, Yongping Huang, Anjiang Tan. 2014. Allelic-specific expression in relation to Bombyx mori resistance to Bt toxin. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 54:53-60. (IF = 3.668)
4. Yazhou Chen, Minghui Fei, Yang Wang, Sixue Chen, Xiufeng Yan. 2013. Proteomic investigation of systemic glucosinolate changes in Arabidopsis rosette leaves to exogenous methyl jasmonate. Plant Biosystems DOI:10.1080/ 11263504.2013.819044. (IF = 1.25)
5. Jing Guo*, Yazhou Chen*, Lu Shi, Mengsha Li, Xiufeng Yan. 2013. Does MYC2 really play a negative role in jasmonic acid-induced indolic glucosinolate biosynthesis in Arabidopsis thaliana? Russian Journal of Plant Physiology 60: 100-107. (*Equal contribution) (IF = 1.55) (*Co-first author)
6. Yazhou Chen, Qiuying Pang, Yan He, Ning Zhu, Isabel Branstrom, Xiufeng Yan, Sixue Chen. 2012. Proteomics and metabolomics of Arabidopsis responses to perturbation of glucosinolate biosynthesis. Molecular Plant 5(5): 1138-1150. (IF = 6.45)
7. Yazhou Chen, Xiufeng Yan, Sixue Chen. 2011. Bioinformatic analysis of molecular network related to glucosinolate biosynthesis. Computational Biology and Chemistry 35: 10-18. (IF = 0.555)
8. Yazhou Chen, Qiuying Pang, Shaojun Dai, Yang Wang, Sixue Chen, Xiufeng Yan. Proteomic Identification of differentially expressed proteins in Arabidopsis in response to methyl jasmonate. Journal of Plant Physiology 2011, 168 (10): 995-1008. (IF = 1.090)
9. 陈亚州, 陈思学, 阎秀峰. 2008. 环境对植物芥子油苷代谢的影响. 生态学报, 6: 2828-2834.
10. 陈亚州, 阎秀峰. 芥子油苷在植物-生物环境关系中的作用. 生态学报, 2007, 6: 2594-2593.